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Electronic sports, commonly known as esports, have been gaining popularity in the recent yea


Electronic sports, commonly known as esports, have been gaining popularity in the recent years. One of the most popular esports games is League of Legends (LoL). This game attracts not only male but female players as well. In this article, we will focus on the female players of LoL who have made a name for themselves in the esports scene. These are the women who have proven that they are not just pretty faces, but they are also skilled and talented gamers.

KOO Tigers' Smeb

We start off with one of the most accomplished players in LoL, Song "Smeb" Kyung-ho. Smeb is known for her incredible skills playing the top lane role. She played for the KOO Tigers and helped her team reach the grand finals of the 2015 World Championship. She was awarded the title of Player of the Year in the Korean Esports Awards in 2015. Smeb's game skills are not the only thing that stands out, as her beauty and fashion sense are also admired by many fans.

C9's Sneaky

Zachary "Sneaky" Scuderi is one of the most popular Twitch streamers and players in LoL. Sneaky plays for Cloud 9 (C9) and has been part of the team since 2013. He helped his team win the 2018 NA LCS Summer Split and placed second in the 2018 League of Legends World Championships. Sneaky is also known for his playful personality and dressing up in costume during his streams, which include crossdressing as female characters in LoL. His fans not only enjoy watching his gameplay but also his entertaining content.

HeroesHype's JuleZ

Julia "JuleZ" Bishoff is another talented female player in LoL. She started playing the game in 2013 and joined the all-female LoL team, Team Siren. She later played for HeroesHype and helped her team rank second in a tournament in 2017. JuleZ is highly respected in the esports community, not only for her gaming skills but also for her advocacy for women in esports. She believes that women players deserve the same recognition and opportunities as their male counterparts. JuleZ speaks up against sexism in the industry and encourages more girls to pursue esports.


The female players in LoL have proved that they can excel in esports just as well as their male counterparts. They have earned recognition for their skills and not just their looks. Players like Smeb, Sneaky, and JuleZ are inspiring not only to aspiring female gamers but to the esports community as a whole. They show that esports is not just a male-dominated industry but a space where everyone can showcase their talents and make a name for themselves.